Monday, November 16, 2009

~who moved my cheese~

finished reading the this book..
took me only 1 hour or less to finish it..
good book, good value there..
cheese here boleh dikaitkn dgn ape2 saje dlm hidup anda..
keje, kereta, life, family, relationship, technology, pendidikan, ape2 la ko pkir elok..
it is all about changing into the new kind of cheese which better than b4..
  • we move on to the another new cheese
  • we move on with the cheese to another level
  • n bnyak lg aku pon mlas nk type
dont be too confortable with the old cheese and so on2 mlas nk type..
bce la buku nie.. memg leh ubah hidup klo hayati..
with hayati the new cheese, we can found sumthing that lebih bgus dari old cheese.

last but not least...
~sniff the situation, scurry the action, move on as the haw and never be hew~
~changing is not simple but it is possible~

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

~perfume again~

hari ni aku dpt dah bnda yg aku tempah dari akak cleaner kt office aku.. ONE DROP PERFUME!!
set 5 woman..

aiseh.. out of 8, ade 4 je bau yg boleh dtrima.. adeh.. memg berniaga kaw2 ah egyptian potion nie.. cmpur2 je letak.. pndai~

ni aku list yg bau sdap.. agar korunk beli yg btol2 bau sdap.. haha

set 5 woman

perfume no.3 - Eau De, Givenchy
no.4 - magnifique, Lancome
no.6 - Madame, Jean Paul Gaultier
no.8 - Midnight Fantasy, britney Spears.

nice... bau2 yg pling sdap adelah no 4 and 8.. keh2...

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