Saturday, May 1, 2010


kumpul smangt sket2, n buat satu2, n lepasi satu2 ngan hati tenang.
berjaya n fail len kire, at least usaha ade =)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

~7 months~

after long time, ini kli pertama nk tulis sumthing kt sni.. my immunity dropping.. n for all of this, i just wish, i can hold it up for another 7 months.. pls..
wanna get away from this place..

Monday, November 16, 2009

~who moved my cheese~

finished reading the this book..
took me only 1 hour or less to finish it..
good book, good value there..
cheese here boleh dikaitkn dgn ape2 saje dlm hidup anda..
keje, kereta, life, family, relationship, technology, pendidikan, ape2 la ko pkir elok..
it is all about changing into the new kind of cheese which better than b4..
  • we move on to the another new cheese
  • we move on with the cheese to another level
  • n bnyak lg aku pon mlas nk type
dont be too confortable with the old cheese and so on2 mlas nk type..
bce la buku nie.. memg leh ubah hidup klo hayati..
with hayati the new cheese, we can found sumthing that lebih bgus dari old cheese.

last but not least...
~sniff the situation, scurry the action, move on as the haw and never be hew~
~changing is not simple but it is possible~

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

~perfume again~

hari ni aku dpt dah bnda yg aku tempah dari akak cleaner kt office aku.. ONE DROP PERFUME!!
set 5 woman..

aiseh.. out of 8, ade 4 je bau yg boleh dtrima.. adeh.. memg berniaga kaw2 ah egyptian potion nie.. cmpur2 je letak.. pndai~

ni aku list yg bau sdap.. agar korunk beli yg btol2 bau sdap.. haha

set 5 woman

perfume no.3 - Eau De, Givenchy
no.4 - magnifique, Lancome
no.6 - Madame, Jean Paul Gaultier
no.8 - Midnight Fantasy, britney Spears.

nice... bau2 yg pling sdap adelah no 4 and 8.. keh2...

Saturday, October 31, 2009

rahsia mengenal tyar lame or tyar baru

Kalau anda perhatikan betul2, di setiap permukaan sisi tayar kereta, anda akan dapati 4 digit nombor. Haa di sinilah rahsianya. Kalau anda nak tukar tayar, sila periksa dulu 4 digit nombor ini.
2 digit yang permulaan menyatakan MINGGU KE BERAPA tayar tersebut dihasilkan. Manakala 2 digit terkahir menunjukkan TAHUN BILA tayar itu dikeluarkan.

Contohnya kalau anda dapati 4 digit nombor di tayar kereta anda ialah 2006. Maka ini membawa maksud, tayar kereta anda itu telah dihasilkan pada minggu yang ke-20 pada tahun 2006.

Setelah diperiksa tayar YOKOHAMA yang baru kami tukar Ahad lepas, kami dapati nombornya ialah 1408. Daripada nombor ini, kami faham bahawa tayar YOKOHAMA kami itu telah dihasilkan dan dikeluarkan pada minggu ke-14 dalam tahun 2008 iaitu sekitar hujung bulan Mac atau awal bulan April tahun 2008 ini. Waaa sungguh baru kan tayar kami?

( ** Kalau tayar itu dikeluarkan pada tahun sebelum 2000 contohya tahun 1999, maka nombor itu hanya ada 3 digit, contohnya kalau nombor 209 maka maknanya tayar itu dikeluarkan pada minggu ke-20 tahun 1999 )

*kredit to

Friday, October 30, 2009

~one drop perfume~

Set 5 for WOMEN

  1. Inspired by Fairy Dust, Paris Hilton
  2. Inspired by Flower, Kenzo
  3. Inspired by Eau De, Givenchy
  4. Inspired by Magnifique, Lancome
  5. Inspired by Gardenia, Elizabeth Taylor
  6. Inspired by Madame, Jean Paul Gaultier
  7. Inspired by Pure Poison, Christian Dior
  8. Inspired by Midnight Fantasy, Britney Spears

ha, ni ha.. aku ade trbeli stu set one drop perfume.. gile babeng.. trbeli la plak kan.. sb aku trhidu bau die yg bleh than gak la wangi...
the prob is.. aku trbeli yg pompuan pnye.. tp xpe.. memg aku nk bg akak aku pon..
pkahwinan die pon dah dkat.. alang2.. bg je la perfume nie..
knapelah aku gile perfume skang.. adeh..

Thursday, October 29, 2009

What is the target for d day??

for the 1st time....
sumone asked me..

what ur trget today??

what is my trget today??
do i have one?
or do i have but dont have effort??

even if it accomplished..
do i satisfied with the progress n result??
do anyone around me satisfied just like me?
or they just pretending??

haih.. aku pon xthu ade trget ke x..
but aku thu aku should ade trget..
now and every time i walk..

stage by stage build ur own strengh..
ur empire.. make other people see u..
see ur strengh.. not ur joke or sumone around u..

wake up siko!!
*trase malu ble poji asked me that question because even i do have trget for d day, i dont think i can say it out loud..
it just me.. very suck at soft skills..

pls improve.. huhauahua
just memalukn dri sdri je...

sayang... help me develop myself k? hee..

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