ni ha department aku: Operation Engineering B (OEB) aka technologist. function die?? aku rase mcm technologist la kot... mnyelesaikan any problems regarding plant, monitor n analysis plant performance (memg keje aku hari2 haha), new technology regarding upgrading and improvise the plant (xkire la saving ke, production ke, new chemical uses ke), n yg aku pham ttg department yg keje based on office hour nie ialah..... buat report, presentation. (ni memg konfem2 dah.. letihsial tgok engineer2 buat report.. sian dorng).. aku pon xsure sgt ape function sbnar dpartment nie, tp tu la some of tasks yg dorng buat.. trbaek.. klo xde dpartment nie, memg kite xkan thu ape2 update status ttg kilang tu. hidup GPPB huahuahuahuahuahau
dlm gmbar atas tu 3 orng bukan dri department aku anymore (woman kat very left, woman yg kt tgahbju kurung, n boss besar operation yg kt tgah pkai kemeja berspek mate tu --> dah jd GM CUF nie..)... n ade lg 3 orng xde dlm gmbar tu.. hehe.. xsmpat masuk.
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